Biyernes, Abril 9, 2021

      Since the campaign for elections, the world that the Philippines revolved to gradually became remastered A Clockwork Orange. The elements of the genre have been sewn on the leadership of the new administration. Three of his obsession; Sex, Drugs, and Violence. 

      Seemingly like a macabre gangster movie erupted from the rotting brainwork of President Rodrigo Duterte. If his presidency was a show in the Philippines it would be graded by Rotten Tomatoes in poor reception. It is humiliating and degrading to the honor of the Filipino people. Full of hot lies caught red-handed. 

      The only promise that he kept was, "It will be bloody." In 100 days of Duterte's leadership, he single-handedly (with the help of his mouth) crumbled the small dignity left to the country. 


                Long before the presidential elections, he was known to be a womanizer and claimed to 'love women'. we didn't know long before that what he meant by that was the women who are submissive to him. The 72-year-old president, a dirty old man, still lives in barbaric ages where women reserve no sociopolitical rights. When he joked about the raped and slain Australian missionary about being entitled to go first of the raping line because he is the mayor. The sheep followers, they are quick to defend as people are quick to judge the presidential candidate. 
      As for them, his ugly remarks were just a joke. A bad one. You know it's like a clown's job to make people laugh but ends up scaring the audience. Since maybe it was never intended to induce humor at all. We should have known better. It should have warned us about the oozing machismo that he will trample women and objectify them.

      He kept picking up fights with women who dare opposes him.

      It didn't end there even when he promised that he will behave his potty mouth if he became president. During a presscon (an activity he quite had a liking to) when he catcalled a GMA reporter while interviewing him, Mariz Tima. Turns out, it was just an expression and not a sexual assault! Which was purely lambasted because he crafted a city ordinance about sexual harassment. The city ordinance copy about gay discrimination and sexual harassment was the one I used for my undergrad thesis. 
      What's more, he called US Ambassador Goldberg gay. When CJ Sereno sent him a formal letter after he name-dropped members of the judiciary, he vowed to destroy her. When it comes to sexism, his mouth will push borders. He slut-shamed De Lima, calling her an adulterer and immoral out of the blue. He kept pushing the idea of De Lima's tryst and even pressuring the senate body to produce the alleged sex video. 
      In which case, a sex video in which De Lima, was allegedly naked totally but forgot to remove her eyeglasses. 
It's all his impulses talking like his brain was transplanted to his wrinkly, smallest brain with a fragile ego. Yep, because how dare this women undermine him, right? Jeezuz Christ, are we this low now? Aguirre, Alvarez, and a few statesmen pressure everyone that the sex video has to be shown like it was a very essential detail of the ongoing case hurled against De Lima. Why are Duterte and his troll army so obsessed with somebody else's sex lives and Duterte's interest in a woman's vagina? There's what we call porn-site you pervs, not porn senate!


      Do you remember chemistry? You break down the chemicals to their basic form. Drugs. Since the vignette of his pre-campaign period, he kept on babbling about ending drugs. Drugs, Drugs, Drugs yadda-yadda-yabadoo-dadda. It's like that's the only problem we are obsessed about. Okay, yes, drugs are the largest problem in the Philippines. Like chemistry, let's break this down. Why is there a widespread of drugs? Because we allow them. How? Some people are willing to be involved in drug activities. Because they feel like selling drugs. No. It's because of the rising unemployment. 
      The nature of the drug problem in the Philippines roots in poverty. Because even if it is dangerous, someone who is desperate to earn money will eat their conscience away and will sell drugs. Duterte fails to see this because he is busy licking his own butt and of china. The problem with his campaign against drugs is overall ineffective. He is shredding the twigs but not uprooting the whole tree. To statistics, more than 3,000 has claimed by death and more than 10,000 have surrendered and swayed by the 'Nanlaban-Kaya-Binaril' trend. But none-- none of any drug lords were convicted.
       Maybe he isn't really an anti-drug advocate but an anti-shabu. Isn't it that shabu is a poor man's cocaine? So he dissolves the impoverished instead. That is probably part of his anti-poverty program, no?  Remember when he name-dropped five PNP generals as narco cops, where are they now? Oh, let's not forget Peter Lim. I heard he was shipped back to China. Is the drug war really successful when all we do is sweep them under the carpet?


      When Duterte came to claim the throne, the grim reaper went on a tour roaming around killing drug suspects both allegedly and mistakenly armed with packing tapes and cardboard pieces. His take on "It will be bloody" has had its toll when he enticed the public, giving them permission to wield the law in their own idiot hands. This form they call cleansing is nothing but a panapathanogenic means to bring out evil desires against fellow human beings. Hello, Purge! 

      Violence over the comment sections suddenly erupted thanks to Duterte's antics. It became the Duterte Fans Club's norm to retort opposing parties and individuals, calling them names, threatening them death, and rape. How did a country become frustrated to rid of crime but does not acknowledge peaceful processes as important, too? 

      How can they praise extra-judicial killings involving innocent people yet they call them 'collateral damage? In this irritating case, that the collateral damage caused by the drug war seemingly becomes less valuable than those victims of drug use, addiction and production. Is the innocent life of a 5-year-old claimed as collateral an irrelevance than to a 5-year-old raped and killed by a drug addict?  Does the 5-year deserve to die? All you can hear is "Kill!Kill!Kill!", immortalizing a death metal album and a feeling that we are all in a nightmarish concert by Marilyn Manson. Yeesh.

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