Sabado, Disyembre 12, 2015

Ano ka ba? Babae 'yan!

Yesterday, I caught my nephew crying. I demanded to him to tell me what happened but he shunned me and cried while curled up on the couch. An hour later, he finally spoke out why. A classmate whipped him with a badminton racket. Her female classmate whipped him with a bad into racket. I told him that he should have told the teacher so the girl with be reprimanded but he replied with, "Susuntukin ko sana, eh." I instinctively said ,"No!" The next words why should he not caught me thinking,"Because that's a girl and you should not hurt a girl because it's like hurting your mother, grandma and aunt?". I just told him that if the teacher is not around, yell at her or him that he shouldn't let anyone bully him...even if it's a girl.I think that in this generation, we are already done with empowering women to be in equal right and position alongside with men. This is the price of equality. Women were already permitted suffrage; women participated in Science; There are women who were part of classical Art, classical Literature and History. Women took part in politics. Women are also taught about Violence Against them, their rights as mother's and wives. The girl power that I need to be loud is the fighting Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, Child Marriage and being subject to criticism if you are still single. Boys at home have a list instructions how to treat women. Though sometimes, the respect and love are taken to the wrong light. I see people gushing over girls who were rained with gifts and a big diamond and people think that it is the sign of love to a woman. Most adults explain to the boys to look at women as their mothers, sisters or family members and should not be hurt. I say  respect women because they are human,too. Feminism?Women Empowerment? What are they really? Traditional folks thinks that these are power pills for women to be snobbish on men. Feminism doesn't only zero in to why there is a career-woman but no career-man. 

You know what, I'm pretty confused to what these 21st century terms. People will point their fingers on me calling me a misogynist, a lesbian or hypocrite, but equality doesn't mean a fair share of everything. Men are men and women are women, biologically. Us women can't blame the genetic and mental make-up of a man so does men can't blame us for our own make-up biologically. I've heard countless of news and stories about battered wife with audiences roaring in rage but compared to men who are also domestically abused receives a zilch reaction to comparison. Gender Equality, though plausible, is inundated with rules the a lot of intellectuals argues to be biased in favor to women. Yeah, and violence is a part of it, but since when did violence became acceptable?
 Karen Davila explained on an Esquire June 2015 issue interview that women in a men's world especially on global issues such as politics or economics that women are quite conscious to dress in a way that their feminine side ooze through because they may get not be taken seriously. We can apply this, though on a different context, to abused men in which they may feel emasculated if they admit it. As women who have experienced being lambasted, abused and shamed should convince them that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. 
 As Steven Patrick Morrissey would put it,"I'm not a homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual but humasexual." the concern for people should not be regarded according to their sex, genders or even their gender roles but rather because they are people and deserve the same respect as they would give you. What I need is the same chance to prove myself and the same struggles that I need in the process. It is unfair to be a woman,yes. Men will go springing from one woman's bed to another but will still marry a virgin. You've been told about how should a lady behave to be respectable. To be respectable, you have to cover yourself in lenghty garments and don't speak very loud. Don't walk at night because you are a vulnerable victim (Lahat na lang bawal!). As for men, they were told that they date women they could bring home to their mothers, as if the mothers will marry the women! They were told not to hit a lady because have to imagine what if she is your mother, grandmother or daughter? They were told to be a gentleman to ladies but it would be gayish to be the same to the men and even to gay men.There are perks and perils to whatever gender you are born or committed with. I hope, when we all have our children, the concern for people is not only centered on a gender but on being a human as well.

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