Huwebes, Nobyembre 12, 2015

Duterserye: A preemptive rescue from a presidential tragedy

Since 2012, the name Duterte, a gentleman from Davao, have gained a following known for his hands-on and authoritative style of leadership. His leadership may have been monickered as a figure of Martial Law, but he pulled Davao City as one of the safest city in the world amidst the animosity from Davao's mainland; Mindanao.


His iron-fist discipline drew ire from CHR and DOJ as he allows the roving of the Death Squad, allegedly. The mayor is unconventional and usually uncensored as his use of expletives shows how authentic he is as a person, which he sometimes don't mind saying 'I will kill you when you get to Davao' during a hearing in the senate.
As election season nearly approaches, Mayor Duterte is a popular choice among the presidentiables. However, fate doesn't end well for the Philippines as the all time favorite mayor of all declines a chance of seat for the presidency. Never had he been heard that he will run for president or had he have any ambition for it. He declined for countless of times. Unsure if it is part of  his campaigning tactic. You know, when you deprive of someone with something when it is so near they will crave for more than before? Still Filipinos keeps on tolerating him to run until the final closing of the filing COC's.
Well, that's us. What we want doesn't want us and we end up hating it.
As with the overwhelming fanaticism observed in the Philippines in general, we Filipinos comes to lengthy measures to dignify our beliefs and what we want. Personally, I'm fine with Duterte not clamoring for presidency. It would have been better if he did to give what they are asking for, but knowing the qualities of Filipinos as a collective would make me pity Duterte. Why? Kasi natural tayong walang-hiya.
We Filipinos are like Disney Princesses who are waiting for a prince to come and kiss our problems away. We look at Duterte as our Prince in shining gel-ed hair who is able to pull the Philippines from the dystopia we are living in and we expect that to happen in within 6 years. What is it that we want, Filipinos? We want to level with the 1st world countries. Our race love the word BIGLA.Biglang yaman, biglang gwapo, biglang payat.
Going back 6 years ago, President Aquino replaced the past administration who led us halfway to hell. We looked up at him because of his bloodline and because we think he is the answer to all our problems. We were fanatics of him because he had the angas enough to trample corrupt individuals in the country. His fight against corruption went smoothly as he pitted CGMA against her plunder issues and trailed CJ Corona over his unexplained wealth. As new and old crisis came up and he seemed to mishandle it thanks to his friends, we casted our own shits to him. President Aquino was to blame for everything even when your pinky toe hit the table leg. Everyone thinks he is the worst president because he didn't bring us to the utopia that we wanted. Fine, PNoy is somewhat unsympathetic. The more you anger him the more you will be angry because he is somewhat somber in contrast to her gregarious sister. The Aquino Administration have takes of good and bad that would take effect a few years later, let's give him that credit. More so, our cognitive bias played on us. We focused on what we want them to do instead of letting them do the what they can. Admittedly, we think our leaders have the absolute power that we don't ask or even think that they are careful that their move are constitutional or would the consequence of their actions backfire greatly on us. So, the short story is if they made a mistake, if we still are uncomfortable about our society we keep on blaming our leader. Remember, he is a breathing mortal like you and me. Vulnerable and unable to keep our country stable at the tips of his fingers all at once.
If Duterte won as a president, the same story will happen. Fine,we want discipline in our country. The criminals and corrupt politicians' mishap excites us. Try to think, are we ready to be affected by his leadership. What if your brother is a murderer and was subjected to such punishment or death? What if you were jailed or fined because of jaywalking? If he handles our society according to the measures that he knew but might displease us, would we be ready how it would affect us? If we don't want it, a hundred percent certainty, that we will come out from our houses and starts shouting 'resign','impeachment','corrupt' and many more monickers our creative mind will produce.
We will create a President Marcos Jr. out of him. Not that he will turn to be a dictator of sorts but we will have the world perceive him as such.
Duterte's supporter's fanaticism started to create an expectation that is very fragile. Once cracked, it will be shattered the next day. Then whatever or however would he patch the shattered glass together, our perception on his service will still be cracked
That is how dirty our minds are. We have to keep in mind that presidency is a one-man system. A system represented by one but has a machine working under him (who are also human beings that are able to do evil or good despite the morality of the leader). He isn't alone in the government. The change that we want will take a decade more to take effect. We, as a nation, should be the one who would make it possible and not only the leaders.

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