Biyernes, Abril 24, 2015

Cheap thrills to do in Baguio City

Nothing is free. Eeengk! Try Again.
This year, the City that I've been born and raised to has been swarmed with tourists. All of them rooting for that breeze juncture of the highland. Other than going to La Preza or eating strawberry taho, there are other else to do in the Summer Capital in less bucks enough to attenuate your Pasalubong budget.

1. Jogging over Treadmills 
The pavements in Baguio City is like a woman's mood; it goes up and down. That is why it is much exciting to get fit in this city rather than being stuck up in tread mills. If you want to jog on a flat pavement there are a lot I cannot reccommend you with because I don't jog that much. Also becasue Athletic Bowl is under rehabiltation. Do jog around the famous parks like around Burnham Lake and Wright Park.
isn't it motivating to jog with these guys? They're chants are fun to hear,too!

2. Hike  to the Mt. Sto. Tomas
Just how you get to La Preza, that's how you will get to Mt. Sto. Tomas. Also, no fee is required. After you get to the radar, feel free to see the reservoir or climb down to look for the mummy caves where skeletons still remains (lurks) beneath. Ride on a jeepney that is labelled as Mt. Cabuyao, Apugan or Sto.Tomas, stop by the police station and start trekking on your way up.

3. Engage a game of chess in the Igorot Park with some rusty experts. (Also,they might give a free momma.)
Feeling a little whiz? Hit the Igorot Park to play chess of old folks. Though the challenge is a little serious. Also, they are friendly so ask them for a few piece of betel nut.

4. Go on a river swim in the Camp 4 Hydro Falls
There are a lot of good streams or rivers in Baguio City, but one place would be satisfying. Rather than being satisfiend on your pissed flavored hotel pool, have a trip in Kennon Road Camp 4, Hydro Falls. The water current will excite and the welcoming cold of the water will make you plunge deeper. WARNING: If you're in the fall, don't attempt on a cliff jump. Save it on your on a Puerto Gallera trip (or wherever similar).

5. Visit Parks.
Burnham Park (Biking and Boating costs, though) Pacdal, Mines View, Lourdes Grotto, Diplomat Hotel and Panagbenga Park offers good views. What else? They have no entrance fees!

6. Watch a weaving demo at Eastern Weaving on Easter School.
It isn't as boring as you think but if you think so, what can you expect on something that comes free?

7. Take a long walk on Leonard wood, Legarda Road at night.

Baguio's brisk walk are best enjoyed at night with a cuppa joe on your hand. Whether alone or with company, the breeze will surely spice you. Don't forget to passby the spooky whitehouse on Leonard Wood--alone.

8. Galleries for Art and Culture
VOCAS is a cafe situated at the La Azotea building in the uppermost floor. There is no fee and watch out for gallery exhibits. The cafe gives you the zest of the Cordillera art and culture. If you have grand money to spare, try their food like the Puttanesca and Tanglad tea.
Emilio Aguinaldo museums requires tips only or if you're a jerk, it is free.

 9. Watch free indie cinema
Hill Station Cinmatheque is not only fragrant, but offers free indie cinema viewing. Always look out for their scheduled film run.

10. Make friends.
You know, the good thing about staying in Baguio are the locals. Though, because Baguio City has become the melting pot of different ethnicity that you can't tell them apart. If you're lucky and friendly, you can find a keeper. Someone who could tell you where to buy the pure strawberry jam and could take you to a kanyaw dance or will offer you their hot boiled kamote. Respect them and you'll have a friend when you get back.

Martes, Abril 21, 2015

Kush, 420 cover

Let's have a Pinoy Henyo. This is a drug which is commonly used here in the Philippines since it is cheaper and less complicated of use. It is organic and just like tea leaves, as it is dried prior of use. This grows anywhere but particularly known to be grown from a part in Benguet. This loveable organic drug comes by many names; Five Fingers, Mary Jane, Hemp, Momay, Pot , kush and list goes on.

April 20 is a celebration where not everybody think is worth celebrating. April 20 or 4:20, a general code for Marijuana consumption. It is a way to be one with with cannabis culture. I never tried any form of FDA unapproved substances but the purpose of Cannabis gave me a spark of interest. As we all know, Jamaica is the known country to have legalised Cannabis which is not very true, though it is generally used. On 25 February 2015, the Jamaican House of Representatives passed a law decriminalizing possession of up to 2 ounces of cannabis or five plants. The distribution is limited only for medicinal and religious purposes.   In  Jamaica, this was where a music genre legend was born, raised and eventually died here. The father of Reggae, Bob Marley. 

All of Marley's music were all about positivity which was inspired by his Rastafarian religious practice. Rastas are misrepresented by the media for using Cannabis for recreational purposes, Pious Rastas use Marijuana for religious meditation and medicinal purpose. Marley viewed Cannabis as a holy rite just as how Christians view the Bible and how the Muslims views their Mosque. Marley strongly believed that Cannabis strengthened his spiritual life and opened his potential as an artist.

Bob Marley is already dead. Still, his music is still patronized and his wisdom is still to live for. At this day and age, there is still a growing dispute about the optimistic view towards Cannabis. Aside from the fact that Cannabis is organic next to mushrooms, there is also something to be praised about the psychoactive drug.

I've met people in my life (including family) who used Cannabis regularly before and I'm sure it's not for a religious rite nor for medicinal. They made a tell-tale that alcohol and cigarettes are much perilous than Cannabis. Such plant induces creativity and solace, juxtaposing the numbness you can feel around. At most time if you are very comfortable on your consumption it could increase the binge of  sleeping and eating. Hearing stories on and on until I heard and met people who are dead serious about supporting Cannabis Legalization. 

Contrary to stoner stereotypes, marijuana usage has actually been shown to have some positive mental effects, particularly in terms of increasing creativity. Even though people's short-term memories tend to function worse when high, people get better at tests requiring them to come up with new ideas.

I found it tacky that the government gives efforts in protecting the nature when Cannabis Sativa grows on nature.

You wouldn't believe that the Bible actually gives support for it. Look up for Psalms 104:41 as it indicates the approval of use. And you think CBCP contradicts everything?No. They actually are open to support. (Here is my source: The CBCP have confidence to the health benefits of Marijuana to cancer patients  who are in severe pain.

Recent researches and scientifically proves the health benefits of Cannabis to the following;

  • Pot soothes tremors for people with Parkinson's diseases

  • After stroke, the use of Marijuana can protect the brain
  • Proven to help control epileptic seizures
  • It decreases anxiety
  • Eases the pain of multiple sclerosis
  • It can also serve to counteract the effects of smoking in the lungs (Ironic, huh?)
Today of fast convey of information and its freedom to share it, we shed light to the things that were before non-concurring. In the Philippines, our government is vehemently against illegal drug use. Legalizing it will take miracle to happen. This is a funny thing in this country where everything is legal but not weed. The Ampatuans are free who are responsible for a reckless corruption and brutality in Maguindanao but not the weed dealers or users who are in life imprisonment. 

Almost all countries in the world has criminalized Cannabis Sativa and as I said, almost all.  North Korea, an odd country in its ways, have several legalized drugs but Cannabis is not one of them. In Netherlands (You know it, Amsterdam.), allows Marijuana for coffee shops but not for personal use. In Slovenia, cultivation of the plant is legal but with government permit. For users, this will make you happy, Uruguay is the only country in the globe that had fully legalized the use of the  plant with no specified amount of possession for personal amount. But for the past years, there was a new law or bill passed to regulate the sale, possession and consumption. The new law also includes that the buyer must be of 18 and above.
Again, don't do drugs except Diatabs and Ferrous Sulfate. I wrote this because Cannabis Sativa has become an ambiguity to the consciousness of people nowadays. As the acceptance and positivity of such substance is becoming wide.

Also, on the side note, this summarizes my conviction.

Linggo, Abril 19, 2015

Ask and it shall be given

Admit it, you're guilty of throwing up questions when you should have held your spicy tongue. That's alright because sometimes, out of the blue, we say or ask things that aren't filtered. Count me in because if that was illegal, I've been incarcerated long ago for this repeated crimes. But later on, it dawned me all the stupid questions that I've brushed with starting since my parents' death in 2014. Mind me to recall and please whoever reads this, don't ask it to anyone who had the same fate as I did. Here are the list that were remarkable to me. Most were unanswered because the only answer that flashed on my head was to use head-butt attack. The most polite reply that I could ever give is, "What the fuck is your  problem with that?" an innocent smile and walk out. Seriously though, I just let it through and let my mind speak without the aid of my unforgivable mouth. On the other side, I wish I answered most of this.

1.When one of my parents died.

"Are you okay?"

 I lost mom and dad and completely in anguish.Yes, I guess I am okay.

2. Concerns about financial security.

"How do you still pay for bills and school?"

Dunno. I may have got involved into drug and prostitution rings. Also, I don't think it should be your concern on where I get the money I pay for bills and school because I don't ask money from you. Thirdly, my parents are not so down-and-out to leave me behind with nothing. Fourthly, you owe me money. 

3. Another concern about financial thingy.

"You're parents have earned a lot, why did you not give her the medical treatment she needs?"

Because I'm greedy and I want her to die fast...? Whatchuthink? If it was that easy, I could have given her the medical treatment that she needs like giving candy to a little child. Though, giving candies to little children are not so easy anymore since they've been taught not to trust strangers, that's how hard providing my mother the treatment that she needs. I'll give you a little research assignment about these three things that are tied to each other; a) The prescribed treatment; How do they work? Will they cure the disease totally? b) Medical Protocols for waiving treatments c) Cost. After you're done, come to me and revise your question. Also, we're not as abundant as you think, you shallow swine.

4. From people from school who had no idea why I've bailed.

"Did you just slack off?"

I paid 18k for my tuition fee. Now I wasted my precious time, money and effort because I was lazy to end the remainder of the trimester? 

5. Other annoying questions that aren't their concern.

"Are your siblings still clamoring for the estate?"

They're not a begging, gossip- curator like you by day, ma'am. They are people who have profitable jobs and won't stop down on someone's level just because they are greedy.

6. Grieving process.

"Why don't you do something productive rather than sleeping in all day?"

What if  any of your loved ones die and  I barge into your house three days later and ask you to do the same thing? Like, 'Yo, stop being lazy!Get your ass up and I don't care if you want to slack and grieve.'

7. Thank you but no thanks.

"Can I come in? I just want to cheer you up."

Well, come in. It seems that you already ruined my day.

8. During the funeral service.

"Do you have a ...." "Where is the..." "Could you spare money for a..."

$#%%$^%& !Go get it yourself! This isn't a hotel service! 

9. On tradition, superstitions and last wishes.

"Do you really have to follow everything? I mean they're dead, I don't think they will feel bad..."

*Fires a pistol on your forehead* Oh, I'm sorry. You were saying? Look, I just killed you and now I will just drop you off to any hole I can see without even praying over you. Also, I'm not scared of your ghost but tell her to drop by and say hi.

10. On moving on after 5 months

"Have you moved on?"

Jeez.Did I went through a break-up?

11. About money, again.

"Where did you put all the lump sums?"

Oh, did you think that funeral and interment are free?

12. Other concerns.

"Aren't you scared of them? In here... alone."

Duh, they're my folks. What could they do to scare me, whisper in the air that I sleep well if I'm already in bed? Because that is scary.

13. Some shitty and sly concerns.

"What did you do? They seemed healthy when I last saw them."

Whaddaef! The last time you saw them was 7 years ago! Fine, I gave them their pathological cause of death. Cancer and Diabetes are my murder weapons. Now arrest me before I give you the most agonizing disease ever.

Death is a sensitive matter. Nothing is more painful than what death brings. If ever you knew someone who died, be sensitive  enough to shut up and tell the bereaved the good things about their dear departed ones. Sit with them and pat or rub their back. Depending on the degree of your closeness, never blurt out the wrong and annoying questions.At these afflictive moments of their lives, they will need people who have greater empathy than sympathy.

Sabado, Abril 18, 2015

10 Things that suck when you're in a relationship

Before I go on, I have no turn against romantic relationships. Relationships are lovely and all but like all things in the world being in a relationship has its fair share of perks and perils. Being in a relationship gives a good bliss that you might not find within your circle of friends or in the family but being in a relationship can be compromising. Adhered within, the note pads, hand-written.. Please bear with my ugly handwriting. 

1. He or She is also entitled to reply on your behalf.

2. "Get a room, please."

...*Sings 'Wish you were here'*

3. "Will they like me?" "Off course, they will!" Which is always a lie.

4.  On the brighter side, you might learn a thing or two about fashion and gaming.

5. You've spent two hours on the shower like you haven't been there for a week. Also, you've tried your whole wardrobe and haven't settled for any!

6. First impressions do lasts.

7. Spent too much on your sweetheart and never bought yourself a single t-shirt.

8. There's no dispute over this. The next time you see each other, treat them for a pizza or something.

9. "You helped that old lady, what was that about." Whoopsy. Is that even right?

10. Better if he or she doesn't like your food.

Biyernes, Abril 17, 2015

Deciphering Break up lines

 Not all you hear is what they actually mean, sometimes it is a code of something fiercer. So, I deciphered these overused break-up lines for your sake. You're welcome!

1. "It's not you, it's me."
      Decryption: Because I always screw up and you can't keep up with my shit.

2. "I need to find myself."

     Decryption: I'm inside somebody else.

3. "I don't see you a potential partner in the future."
     Decryption: I want to marry a robot.
4. "We're better off as friends."
    Decryption: In case I need your help on anything like doing my researches and stuffs.

5. "I'm not good at relationships."
    Decryption:  Actually, I'm not good at anything at all.

6.  "I need space."

    Decryption:I'm going to fart and I need you to stay 50 feet away from me.

7. "I need to focus on myself"

    Decryption:  You're too perfect for me and I am so insecure.

8. "My friends don't like you."

    Decryption: And if they don't like you, I can't share you with them. What's mine is theirs.
9. "I love you but not that kind of love."

    Decryption: I love you like my own child.

10. "I'm just going to end up hurting you."
      Decryption:  I'm a psycho killer.

Linggo, Abril 12, 2015

5 over-used and misused lines that infuriates me

Cliche but useful to motivate us because of our imperfections. But don't you think we should charge you of motto or line abuse?

1. Nobody's perfect.

Said by people who keep screwing up.
People are fine with your sorry-just don't follow it with something crappy like 'Nobody's perfect.' Geez, it's like you're trying to crawl to our conscience that we are the same human being-sinners, and we are criticizing you. This motto was created for people who have flaws not of those who have multitudes of mistakes. Practice makes perfect, right?
VERDICT: Misused

Yeah, we do. You're perfect and we're useless.

2.  Love is blind
Said by people who loves jerks.
Everyone deserves to be loved. Even if you're not as hot as Channing Tatum or as lovely as Kathryn Bernardo. Sometimes because of love, people are misdirected. In a healthy relationship, the laws of physics are applied and one of them is action and reaction. If you are constantly hurt in any relationship but that thing called love keeps holding you back, isn't it time to redefine the situation if it still spells L-O-V-E? Take off your blinders and give justice to yourself.
VERDICT: Over-used

                                         Honestly, those people are called abused.

3. Only God can judge me.
Said by people who have an annoying personality, accused of something immoral and or politicians.
Then what is the jury for? People are afraid to be corrected and or criticized. Being judged can't  be stopped, it is ubiquitous so live with it. Only God can judge you. Will that scare anyone else? 
VERDICT: Over-used

                                                      His verdict? Eternal Damnaion.
4. Try and try until you succeed.
Said by people who studied 10 years in medicine and engineering.
There's no dispute over this until I make you realize how many times you tried. Was there any progress at all? Did you try wasting away your life to achieve your goal but to no avail? I thought so.
VERDICT: Misused 

5. Age doesn't matter
Said by older guys dating an underage, young enough to be their daughter.
Age does matter for young people whose ages is climbing and for old people who are losing their youth but still latched on it. You are young and in-love to a man whose maturity is way over different from the boys in your class. What can you ask for? He has a nice car, thick wallet and knows how to tickle you. All of this are your relationship goals but the world is just so against you. Ask me why. Because it is partly disgusting and you are breaking your parents' hearts (for the youngster). Because you are robbing the youth of them (for the thunder).
VERDICT: Over-used and misused.