Biyernes, Abril 17, 2015

Deciphering Break up lines

 Not all you hear is what they actually mean, sometimes it is a code of something fiercer. So, I deciphered these overused break-up lines for your sake. You're welcome!

1. "It's not you, it's me."
      Decryption: Because I always screw up and you can't keep up with my shit.

2. "I need to find myself."

     Decryption: I'm inside somebody else.

3. "I don't see you a potential partner in the future."
     Decryption: I want to marry a robot.
4. "We're better off as friends."
    Decryption: In case I need your help on anything like doing my researches and stuffs.

5. "I'm not good at relationships."
    Decryption:  Actually, I'm not good at anything at all.

6.  "I need space."

    Decryption:I'm going to fart and I need you to stay 50 feet away from me.

7. "I need to focus on myself"

    Decryption:  You're too perfect for me and I am so insecure.

8. "My friends don't like you."

    Decryption: And if they don't like you, I can't share you with them. What's mine is theirs.
9. "I love you but not that kind of love."

    Decryption: I love you like my own child.

10. "I'm just going to end up hurting you."
      Decryption:  I'm a psycho killer.

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