Linggo, Abril 19, 2015

Ask and it shall be given

Admit it, you're guilty of throwing up questions when you should have held your spicy tongue. That's alright because sometimes, out of the blue, we say or ask things that aren't filtered. Count me in because if that was illegal, I've been incarcerated long ago for this repeated crimes. But later on, it dawned me all the stupid questions that I've brushed with starting since my parents' death in 2014. Mind me to recall and please whoever reads this, don't ask it to anyone who had the same fate as I did. Here are the list that were remarkable to me. Most were unanswered because the only answer that flashed on my head was to use head-butt attack. The most polite reply that I could ever give is, "What the fuck is your  problem with that?" an innocent smile and walk out. Seriously though, I just let it through and let my mind speak without the aid of my unforgivable mouth. On the other side, I wish I answered most of this.

1.When one of my parents died.

"Are you okay?"

 I lost mom and dad and completely in anguish.Yes, I guess I am okay.

2. Concerns about financial security.

"How do you still pay for bills and school?"

Dunno. I may have got involved into drug and prostitution rings. Also, I don't think it should be your concern on where I get the money I pay for bills and school because I don't ask money from you. Thirdly, my parents are not so down-and-out to leave me behind with nothing. Fourthly, you owe me money. 

3. Another concern about financial thingy.

"You're parents have earned a lot, why did you not give her the medical treatment she needs?"

Because I'm greedy and I want her to die fast...? Whatchuthink? If it was that easy, I could have given her the medical treatment that she needs like giving candy to a little child. Though, giving candies to little children are not so easy anymore since they've been taught not to trust strangers, that's how hard providing my mother the treatment that she needs. I'll give you a little research assignment about these three things that are tied to each other; a) The prescribed treatment; How do they work? Will they cure the disease totally? b) Medical Protocols for waiving treatments c) Cost. After you're done, come to me and revise your question. Also, we're not as abundant as you think, you shallow swine.

4. From people from school who had no idea why I've bailed.

"Did you just slack off?"

I paid 18k for my tuition fee. Now I wasted my precious time, money and effort because I was lazy to end the remainder of the trimester? 

5. Other annoying questions that aren't their concern.

"Are your siblings still clamoring for the estate?"

They're not a begging, gossip- curator like you by day, ma'am. They are people who have profitable jobs and won't stop down on someone's level just because they are greedy.

6. Grieving process.

"Why don't you do something productive rather than sleeping in all day?"

What if  any of your loved ones die and  I barge into your house three days later and ask you to do the same thing? Like, 'Yo, stop being lazy!Get your ass up and I don't care if you want to slack and grieve.'

7. Thank you but no thanks.

"Can I come in? I just want to cheer you up."

Well, come in. It seems that you already ruined my day.

8. During the funeral service.

"Do you have a ...." "Where is the..." "Could you spare money for a..."

$#%%$^%& !Go get it yourself! This isn't a hotel service! 

9. On tradition, superstitions and last wishes.

"Do you really have to follow everything? I mean they're dead, I don't think they will feel bad..."

*Fires a pistol on your forehead* Oh, I'm sorry. You were saying? Look, I just killed you and now I will just drop you off to any hole I can see without even praying over you. Also, I'm not scared of your ghost but tell her to drop by and say hi.

10. On moving on after 5 months

"Have you moved on?"

Jeez.Did I went through a break-up?

11. About money, again.

"Where did you put all the lump sums?"

Oh, did you think that funeral and interment are free?

12. Other concerns.

"Aren't you scared of them? In here... alone."

Duh, they're my folks. What could they do to scare me, whisper in the air that I sleep well if I'm already in bed? Because that is scary.

13. Some shitty and sly concerns.

"What did you do? They seemed healthy when I last saw them."

Whaddaef! The last time you saw them was 7 years ago! Fine, I gave them their pathological cause of death. Cancer and Diabetes are my murder weapons. Now arrest me before I give you the most agonizing disease ever.

Death is a sensitive matter. Nothing is more painful than what death brings. If ever you knew someone who died, be sensitive  enough to shut up and tell the bereaved the good things about their dear departed ones. Sit with them and pat or rub their back. Depending on the degree of your closeness, never blurt out the wrong and annoying questions.At these afflictive moments of their lives, they will need people who have greater empathy than sympathy.

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