Sabado, Pebrero 20, 2016

15 fashion and style trends that should stop

Fashion over Function? Just stop, guys, please.

1. The crop top.

Okay, the grunge era was cool because it was sensible. The comeback however lost the common sense of people when it comes to functionality. The crop top and a lose cover-up doesn't make sense and let's rule out about the changing climate in the country. Why? You got a cardigan so I assume you feel cold but you are also wearing a crop top which means your midriff isn't cold. Kabagin ka sana!

2. The Timberlands on girls.

If you are not lumberjacks, miners and hikers, stop wearing these shoes. There are exceptions when it comes to borrowed-from-the-boys style.

3. People with good eyesight wearing thick double-rimmed glasses

How would you react if I wear a leg brace even if I have no leg injury because it is fashionable. People who grew up with their glasses are familiar with the struggle of a poor eyesight. Now this generation irritated me for making glasses a fashion trend like they are celebrating eye defects! It doesn't make you look bookish or studious, it just promoted your stupidity.

4. Jogger pants 

Another portmanteau involving jeans that became insanely trendy after the jeggings. It's a pants made out of denim to make you look more sporty and active but you cannot use those pants for jogging. Also you are not a sporty person.

5. Herschel square pack.

It's like an attaché case with a back strap.

6. High-waist jeans worn with a crop top

The high-waist jeans emphasizes that you have a bum behind you or lack thereof. It looks absolutely gorgeous when tucked in but is terribly stupid when worn with a crop top. If you wanted to cover your midriff you could have opted for a longer shirt so you won't keep pulling up your jeans!

7.  Pekpek shorts

It's nothing but just an underwear made of denims...with a belt.

8. Beanie on a humid day

Shouldn't you have used a cap or wide-brimmed hat?

9. Leggings as trousers

I don't know what is worst; a girl walking on the street wearing a bikini or a girl using leggings as trousers because they look like both. They are just utterly disgusting of you don't cover your trunk with a longer cover up or top. Or did you wear that to emphasize that you are not cross-dressing gay because of the presence of a V-line and a camel toe?

10. Batok Tattoo

As an Igorot, I find it disrespecting that customers of Apo Whang-od (whom they couldn't even spell her name properly as they based it from the sound (Fang-od) acquires a batok tattoo because it looks cool on them without having prior knowledge of what it meant to our ancestors.

11. Religious symbols like a mandala or the Hinduism's Om

They are printed on your shirt, as a tattoo or worn as earrings. Should I wear a hijab just for the heck of it?

12. Long-sleeved body-con short dress

You did cover your arms but you forgot an inch more to cover your ass when bending down.

13. Rave outfits

EDM, Swag and the YOLO factor. You all look like you come straight out from Jersey Shore.

14. The white shoes

I would appreciate white shoes--on a nurse's uniform. They look ridiculous on any casual or even formal wear because it looks like you are wearing white socks.

15. Hapit men's clothes

If women's nipples shouldn't be traced from their clothes, why should men's not? 

Watch These Movies While You Dream Your House

Envy is not necessarily a sin, but your other version of feeling inspired.

1. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Millenium Trilogy,2009)
The film tackles the personal and working relationship between Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander (Noomi Rapace) as they take down misogynist murderers, traffickers and bust the greatest conspiracy in Sweden's history.
Most of their investigations and researches are refused to be done in a mute, boring offices but to their swanky apartments and to a zesty cabin. Don't ever missed that scene where Lisbeth was installing and assembling IKEA furniture for her new flat.

Green-eyeing pieces: White Walls (The perfect decor to murder someone). The zesty and socality of the cabins and villas of the Vangers. The majestic view overlooking to the ocean from Lisbeth's swanky new apartment.

2. What's your number (2011)
Ally (Anna Faris) stops whoring around after she learned from a magazine that women who sleeps with more than 10 men will never get married but is not panicked by the fact that she is eligible for a venereal disease. For that, Ally's apartment is really special as it is the place of her romance. Set in Brooklyn where there is a high concentration of hipsters and bricked walls, the whole apartment of Ally is truly an eye-candy to people with artistic touch.

Green-eyeing pieces: Lamp shades.The figurines crafted by Ally. Two Words: Brick Walls.

3. Gone Girl (2014)
The ultimate Girl-power film who keeps the victory and revenge all to herself.
Why is it that thrillers and horror movies have really, really immaculate homes with white and seemingly cold walls? Like, if you will commit a murder, the blood has to be strikingly red against a white wall to make it grim.
Green-eyeing Pieces: The Kitchen. Those Tech everywhere around the house.

4. Honor Thy Father (2015)
After John Lloyd Cruz's romantic movie, Second Chance, JLC transitioned from the sobbing romantic cute-face to a tough and ruthless father. His chubby matinee face won't get you fooled. Also, this film is one of the few controversial movies to date that was rejected by the MM-fucking-DA. Set in the ironic gloom and chill of Baguio City (My Home Town where it is experiencing climate-change), it shows around the gritty blue-collar and white-collar crimes to save their family.

Green-eyeing Pieces: The Tribal Artifacts. The Rugs. The wood tables.

5. Boy Golden: Shoot To Kill, The Arturo Story (2011)
The slow reemergence of a Filipino film cult in the early 2010s started with E.R. Ejercito as the iconic action film packed with the Filipino action stereotypes: Revenge, Materiales Fuertes Villain, A maniacally laughing mob and a bombshell dancer who have never held a gun in her life but shot a goon to death. Set in the 1950s, this movie simulated the  colonial mentality of Filipinos especially adapting the American style and culture. Though, it still left the touch of traditional Filipino housing (Hispanic designs, still colonial).

Green-eyeing Pieces: Pastel colors. Art deco

7. Les Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain (2001)
A famous and successful French film starring the lovely Audrey Tatou as Amelie Polain who is the personification of karma. This movie can be drawn inspiration for every slice of your life like orgasm from dipping your hand in sack of beans or cracking the crust of a creme brûlée than from sex. Or, an inspiration of the little things that you can do good for other people and to spark a little fun and hope in their lives. Since this is set in France, art and style is more likely drawn for inspiration from this movie. 

Green-eyeing Pieces: Amelie's Bedroom. Animal-themed art. Gorgeous perfume bottles.

Linggo, Pebrero 14, 2016

An ode to the 16 year-old stream consciousness of Elley Sapling

For when I thought I already knew what life is, I realized I was dumb. The concept of 'Young,Wild and Free' that I heard in a popular song was not my forte but it was something that secretly wished my life was. It never happened. I still dread the day that I could be like my classmates; Extrovert, Adventurous, Skinny, Attractive and amazingly witty. I wasn't. I repeatedly say that I am not in that thing, but I secretly want to be others. I want to be like my friends. I couldn't compete to them nor could I join them, so I left. I felt sorry for myself, felt unwanted and even fear that I might ruin my friendship with others because I was jealous of who they are. In that decision alone, I felt a hollow in my heart, I was lonely again like what I felt when I was bullied during my 1st year of high school. I am graduating this year, leaving high school with the ambiguous feeling. At this time around, I busied myself haggling on universities and colleges. In my diary, I kept a list of course that I want. The problem being is that, I don't have the IQ of a rocket scientist nor the creative power of a struggling artist. The only thing I knew I was good at was communication like speaking and writing. So I figured that Literature or Mass Communications might be the right course for me. However, it is not the field that my parents are willing to pay for. Both of my parents want me to be like my sisters. They want me to be a lawyer or any licensed white-collar. Up to this day, my views about lawyers remained the same. They are cunts. Maybe because this is how I saw my sister and my brother-in-law, but there was more. Not on the personal note, but I look at them as cunts. Entering medicine, is also an appealing field, but my mediocre intelligence might be overwhelmed. I am 16, a fourth year high school, and is excited about what lies ahead as I will embark to college. I had a lot of expectations as well, blissful expectations like a naïve girl envisioning a happy married life. It was a pity that my sister is no longer around to orient me about the perks and perils of college or help me apply. I never paid attention to my sister's college life, but I was aware it was tough especially that she took Medical Technology for almost 8 years. I also had no friend to talk about my college woes. My friend, Rona Tan, who did not continue high school was more likely to dodge any conversation that includes my personal woes. I couldn't find anyone to confide it since I abandoned my friends. I told my mother that I might not get into college yet until I figure out what I want but she said no. I understood where she is coming from because they are old and ill. My 83 year old father's pension is what sustains my education. Daddy was hospitalized last November in which case, he survived. I believe that even after college, he will live and attend my graduation. Daddy is a strong man, he was an army man and survived death many times. I grew desperate running on Google searches about the courses that I want. I asked my sister who is currently in Doha but she insisted to get a course in science and take up law. At one point, I have decided to stop thinking about it until I graduate from high school. My social life suffered. I saw myself floating into one circle to another, hoping for acceptance, then I was. I found myself to a collection of people who share the same mindset as I have and the group that I always dream having whenever I read Candy Magazine. We discovered and explored art, love, intellect and humor. We held sleepovers during Christmas break and the experience was awesome. What was best was, we talk about what we feel about going to college. The boys in the group aimed for an ambitious one. Engineering and Information Technology was a popular choice. I was a nut for Science-Fiction, but I am afraid my IQ won't agree if I choose a science and math based course. Sometimes, when I watch an Emmerich film, I daydream myself as a badass genius scientist who saves the earth. Or when I watch Grey's Anatomy, I daydream myself to be a miracle Doctor. The list goes on like nuclear physicist or some brainiac who does cool shit. The girls in my group however was diverse. One wanted to enter criminology, the others was the softer and sweeter ones like education, business administration and HRM. When I was asked, I don't what I would say. I said if I couldn't decide then I might choose Mass Communication as my undergrad and sign up for law school. The other guy said that I might want to consider something like industrial arts like fashion design, theater or interior design because he noticed I am a bit stylish and artistic enough. I know I wasn't especially about fashion but I thought why not. I read fashion magazines like Cosmopolitan (yes, even when I was still in primary school),Total Girl, Seventeen and Candy Magazine that might qualify me as a budding fashion designer. Fashion was just something that entertained me during summers when American Top Model and Runway airs on ETC. I did my research again and peeled a page from Candy Magazine recommending different universities and campuses for students of different tastes. Raffles Institute was the one I picked because it was a little bit cheaper than School of Arts and Fashion. Not only that, the campus was located in Bonifacio Global City in Taguig. I once visited BGC and it was quiet and greener like Baguio but a hip city. Think of it as the Los Angeles of California. I showed my mother and father like I was reporting a proposition and they agreed. I sent my application to the institute and have regularly emailed the office in charge and helped me to avail a boarding house. I was terribly excited that I told my new friends about it. That time, I still didn't believe my mother's only superstition in life: NEVER MOUTH YOUR PLANS AND GOALS BECAUSE IT WILL JINX. It was illogical to believe in superstition.

I sit in class everyday but my mind wanders to a reverie. Myself, a fashion and interior design student. That TV show in 2010,  Ruby, played in my mind. She was a fashion design student and was a bit of avant-grade to her clothing choices. I thought of myself like her. "I can wear whatever I want!", my heart shouts. Since I will be in Manila, my social life will resurrect. I want high school to end already. During weekends, if I am not needed by my mother, I will watch American college themed movies. I am very in love with the concept of attending classes with a laptop to take notes like how Elle Woods do it.   Also, being involved with extracurricular activities that gives me a ticket away from a mundane student life. Probably to resuscitate my social life. 
This 2012 is probably a good year. I've been finding myself in friends' houses practicing for our group projects, doing group projects, watching movies and anything at all that don't involve alcohol. It was a healthy and fun relationship with this group I got mixed in. Sometime in myself, I wish it would forever be like this. During these months, I found myself in a limited, congested time of utopia. I always find myself daydreaming, planning, visualizing and off course, more writing. I haven't even considered what my parents feel since their other daughter just left a year prior and now they will see me go to a distant city. A city of possibilities, in which they believe it would do me more bad than good. Then it happened.  I don't know what to feel. Still, my family is still my number one priority, so I guess the decisions I am forced to make is worth it.

The author, Elley Sapling, didn't make it for Raffles Institute because of a Pneumonia and shitty events on the start of 2012 like brother's death and mother's confinement to hospital and bed (2012 was the most awaited year famous to bring an apocalyptic phenomenon, I guess, that was metaphorically in a way, apocalyptic) when enrollment was going on.
Instead, she attended University of the Cordilleras (where her parents met) and picked a course randomly which is unfortunately, BS Psychology. She was welcomed to the world of rationalizing human behaviors and stupid people asking,"Can you read my mind?" Everyday, she wore different kind of ill-matched pieces that provokes a lot of insults. On some days, her outfits are cute that provokes a minute of envy. On rainy days, she secretly wore her pajama as her inner top. She also wore tsinelas before it was not allowed. She didn't experience partying or even beer pong but only occasional drinking sessions. She didn't join extracurricular activities. She was disrespected by her classmates. She finds comfort in a small  3 by 3 feet space in UC that she never felt at home: The Loo. She loves to shit there. She enjoyed sleepovers and movie nights. She built friendships that was founded on the love of adult comic books. She is to graduate this year, hopefully. Elley is satisfied.