Sabado, Pebrero 20, 2016

Watch These Movies While You Dream Your House

Envy is not necessarily a sin, but your other version of feeling inspired.

1. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Millenium Trilogy,2009)
The film tackles the personal and working relationship between Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander (Noomi Rapace) as they take down misogynist murderers, traffickers and bust the greatest conspiracy in Sweden's history.
Most of their investigations and researches are refused to be done in a mute, boring offices but to their swanky apartments and to a zesty cabin. Don't ever missed that scene where Lisbeth was installing and assembling IKEA furniture for her new flat.

Green-eyeing pieces: White Walls (The perfect decor to murder someone). The zesty and socality of the cabins and villas of the Vangers. The majestic view overlooking to the ocean from Lisbeth's swanky new apartment.

2. What's your number (2011)
Ally (Anna Faris) stops whoring around after she learned from a magazine that women who sleeps with more than 10 men will never get married but is not panicked by the fact that she is eligible for a venereal disease. For that, Ally's apartment is really special as it is the place of her romance. Set in Brooklyn where there is a high concentration of hipsters and bricked walls, the whole apartment of Ally is truly an eye-candy to people with artistic touch.

Green-eyeing pieces: Lamp shades.The figurines crafted by Ally. Two Words: Brick Walls.

3. Gone Girl (2014)
The ultimate Girl-power film who keeps the victory and revenge all to herself.
Why is it that thrillers and horror movies have really, really immaculate homes with white and seemingly cold walls? Like, if you will commit a murder, the blood has to be strikingly red against a white wall to make it grim.
Green-eyeing Pieces: The Kitchen. Those Tech everywhere around the house.

4. Honor Thy Father (2015)
After John Lloyd Cruz's romantic movie, Second Chance, JLC transitioned from the sobbing romantic cute-face to a tough and ruthless father. His chubby matinee face won't get you fooled. Also, this film is one of the few controversial movies to date that was rejected by the MM-fucking-DA. Set in the ironic gloom and chill of Baguio City (My Home Town where it is experiencing climate-change), it shows around the gritty blue-collar and white-collar crimes to save their family.

Green-eyeing Pieces: The Tribal Artifacts. The Rugs. The wood tables.

5. Boy Golden: Shoot To Kill, The Arturo Story (2011)
The slow reemergence of a Filipino film cult in the early 2010s started with E.R. Ejercito as the iconic action film packed with the Filipino action stereotypes: Revenge, Materiales Fuertes Villain, A maniacally laughing mob and a bombshell dancer who have never held a gun in her life but shot a goon to death. Set in the 1950s, this movie simulated the  colonial mentality of Filipinos especially adapting the American style and culture. Though, it still left the touch of traditional Filipino housing (Hispanic designs, still colonial).

Green-eyeing Pieces: Pastel colors. Art deco

7. Les Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain (2001)
A famous and successful French film starring the lovely Audrey Tatou as Amelie Polain who is the personification of karma. This movie can be drawn inspiration for every slice of your life like orgasm from dipping your hand in sack of beans or cracking the crust of a creme brûlée than from sex. Or, an inspiration of the little things that you can do good for other people and to spark a little fun and hope in their lives. Since this is set in France, art and style is more likely drawn for inspiration from this movie. 

Green-eyeing Pieces: Amelie's Bedroom. Animal-themed art. Gorgeous perfume bottles.

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