Martes, Enero 26, 2016

Signs you have the Tita Syndrome in your 20's

Tell me in all honesty, do you feel and act like you're not in your own age? Me, too! Not yet? You will soon!1. You throwback way too muchYou miss that one song, that one song that you erased years ago to free your memory card for another Justin Bieber song. You miss a band that existed before you or that band that broke-up when you were young. You dress a yesteryear style because you miss it. You were not even during and before that decade!

2. You throw a scarf or a jacket on your niece who wears skimpy outfits...and is irritated at young girls who wears skimpy outfits.

3. You complain too much about the prices thinking that it was the same price and cheaper way back.

4. You have a big bag that accommodates the needs of humanity.Your friends depends on you if they need a sanitary napkin, an extra hair-tie and a super-glue. You are the statue-sque Girl Scout in the barkada.

5. Your idea of bonding is something relaxing like coffee or spa.The noise from clubbing isn't just your thing anymore nor thus it excites you.

6. You know-it-all. Your friends don't powder their face if they are sweating because you told them it will create wrinkles. In fact, you know little things that most people don't.

7. You are excited shopping for cleaning agents and tissue rolls. Saturday is General Cleaning time.

8.You're too patient to cook and can't wait to brag about a new recipe. Your cook like your friends' mothers. A bonus point if you held a potluck date in your place.

9. You are friends with your friend's parentsTheir parents think you are responsible and can be the second parent for their child.
10. You are irritated with the younger generationUgh. These generation are so hooked with these butt-themed songs, do they know what comes out from them? Darn! These teenagers are so rude and slutty. 

11. You set your friends on dates"You know Macoy is a good guy, he has a Ford and an Engineering student. You look good together since you're dumb with math. I'll give him you're number." 

12. You don't like your friends' boyfriends and is blunt about it"What did you see in Bhoy? He's irresponsible and a bad influence on you." Oh, dear, you sound like a tita. Most of the time, you are right...

13. ...and you become the automatic shoulder-to-cry-on without the built-in sermon (That's the Mother Syndrome in your 20's).

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