Martes, Enero 26, 2016

Signs you have the Tita Syndrome in your 20's

Tell me in all honesty, do you feel and act like you're not in your own age? Me, too! Not yet? You will soon!1. You throwback way too muchYou miss that one song, that one song that you erased years ago to free your memory card for another Justin Bieber song. You miss a band that existed before you or that band that broke-up when you were young. You dress a yesteryear style because you miss it. You were not even during and before that decade!

2. You throw a scarf or a jacket on your niece who wears skimpy outfits...and is irritated at young girls who wears skimpy outfits.

3. You complain too much about the prices thinking that it was the same price and cheaper way back.

4. You have a big bag that accommodates the needs of humanity.Your friends depends on you if they need a sanitary napkin, an extra hair-tie and a super-glue. You are the statue-sque Girl Scout in the barkada.

5. Your idea of bonding is something relaxing like coffee or spa.The noise from clubbing isn't just your thing anymore nor thus it excites you.

6. You know-it-all. Your friends don't powder their face if they are sweating because you told them it will create wrinkles. In fact, you know little things that most people don't.

7. You are excited shopping for cleaning agents and tissue rolls. Saturday is General Cleaning time.

8.You're too patient to cook and can't wait to brag about a new recipe. Your cook like your friends' mothers. A bonus point if you held a potluck date in your place.

9. You are friends with your friend's parentsTheir parents think you are responsible and can be the second parent for their child.
10. You are irritated with the younger generationUgh. These generation are so hooked with these butt-themed songs, do they know what comes out from them? Darn! These teenagers are so rude and slutty. 

11. You set your friends on dates"You know Macoy is a good guy, he has a Ford and an Engineering student. You look good together since you're dumb with math. I'll give him you're number." 

12. You don't like your friends' boyfriends and is blunt about it"What did you see in Bhoy? He's irresponsible and a bad influence on you." Oh, dear, you sound like a tita. Most of the time, you are right...

13. ...and you become the automatic shoulder-to-cry-on without the built-in sermon (That's the Mother Syndrome in your 20's).

The clear and thin line between being yourself and being an asshole

There are those days that we don't want to be ourselves. We want to be Barney.

A campaign named The Freedom To Be Yourself was founded in 1999 was supposedly about public nakedness without terming it as sexual like exhibitionism and perversion. The founder, Vincent Bethell was subjected to trial because of public nuisance when he protested naked. While on trial, he also defended himself naked.I wonder if he was also charged with obscenity following that trial.
The emergence of Being Yourself campaigns have started slowly in other form of arts especially in the music industry through the decade icons; David Bowie in 1970s, Madonna in the 1980s, Christina Aguillera in the 1990s with her powerful song,”I am Beautiful” and in the late 2000s was by Lady Gaga. These icons are known to have vibrant personalities equipped with exhausting performance stunts.Each of these celebrities have inspired each decade to not be afraid to be who they want to be. In Lady Gaga’s 2011 song, “Born this way”, was objectified by a diocese of the church in the Philippines when Lady Gaga was to hold a concert here. “’Yung kanta niya na ‘Born this way’, so kung isa akong murderer, tanggapin niyo ako kasi nga I am born this way.” Though it was a funny and at the same time, a feeble-minded opinion, it made a point. Which, in being yourself, in wasn’t always about your uniqueness or how different you are from the sea of mainstream people. Being yourself rounded up everything that you are in your personality, given in sexuality especially.

There was this meme circulating around the social sites describing that society wants you to be yourself but when you do, society reprimands you not to because it's very unique you make it weird. Is it social injustice? Fairly.

Being yourself has extensive possibilities. How do we make 'Be Yourself' create a response that is still sane whether accepted by norms or not?

Laws are there for a certain reason that everyone needs peace and order. Laws were there to prevent further chaos and if you break 'em, you pay for 'em. Unlike for rules. Rules can be broken or can be bent. Rules are the softer version of law since law is a little bit cold and harsh. When you break a rule, there is no permanent damage. When being yourself it is often associated with breaking the rules because you can't live with so many rules. Some of this rules are the one automatically followed within the norms. Though there are unwritten society rules you have to be sensitive at like closing your mouth when eating. Would you want me to let you hear my mouth grind and crunch?

The power of being yourself is projected to how you dress up or dress down. The truth is, nobody really cares if you wear a Pokemon suit or an outdated jeans. It doesn't really matter. It matters only where you go. If Lady Gaga could rock a meat dress in the Oscars so do another red carpet. Take Sex and the City 2 for instance as the ladies were subjected to obscenity because they were bluntly wearing a glamorous and skin-showing dresses in UAE, an Islam country. The thing about 'I will wear whatever I want because this is my body, this is my life' is a really slap-inducing thought to your face. Yes, you can wear whatever you want not with the approval of others but with appropriation. In formal institutions, you can never say that. Although there are dress-codes everywhere, it will not limit you to be creative on you fasyown.

'I am just saying what is on my mind' is a misinterpreted and abused adage to your rudeness.While giving your opinion exercises your brain to think, you are exercising your rudeness. Someone was being mean to you, tell him off firmly and not shouting nor cussing. If there is anything you disagree of or you need to spit it out, do so politely as possible without being a total uncivilized bitch. Although, we can't really help that because what you say reflects on you and not on others.

Everyone in this planet has the right to believe to which he believes in and you should consider that others that doesn't belong to the same boat as yours. If you are a proud Christian you don't have to rub it on our face and compare that your religion is better in morale than the rest. If you believe in something, stand up for it, defend it with your right cause without stepping on someone's belief just so you could validate yours. Nobody cares what you believe in anyway, you are still going to die.

If you have illegal hobbies and interests better surrender yourself to the nearest police station. If you have a passion that benefits your self-awareness, development and the betterment of others, continue doing it. 'Being Yourself' adage might make a literal and norm-contrasting meaning. Like if being yourself mean coming to terms that you love doing things that would risk you jail-time, it doesn't cut it. Have a passion, enrich it and show it to the world. It will be the last thing you'll ever remember when you have Alzheimer's.

The society have unwritten rules so people could live harmoniously and if people don't live harmoniously it means that some prick is insensitive to social cues. Example is playing music in loudspeaker when on a public transportation, this isn't' your wheels, man! There are other irritating things that you shouldn't do especially with other people abruptly stopping at a busy sidewalk. 

When someone asks me ,'Open-minded ka ba?', two things snaps on my mind; Either this is sexual or this is about networking. Remember, if you open something widely, things inside it might fallout. This open-mindedness is often used for larceny. Open-mindedness are taking new information and considering new behavior. There are right situations when one is supposed to be open-mindedness, the otherwise is not being broad-minded but ridding the risk of gullibility.

To put it simply, Be Yourself. Don't pretend because you can't hack it for the rest of your life and being yourself is easier. Be yourself in a legal, appropriate and less annoying way.

Lunes, Enero 18, 2016

Types of sharers on Facebook

Rare are the days where humans and even cats posts personal status on Facebook. As you open your news feeds, you run your fingers swiping through countless of links and shared updates from other people. Sharing is supposed to be a good deed, but your friends make it a bad name. What kind habit of sharing does it have in common from online and offline?

1. The Tagging Sentimentalist

If he sees an article that relates to your life, you will be the first one he will remember. If there's a quote, your name is a first hand. In short, all of which is related to everyone he or she meets just in case you might miss it.

2. The Mono-sharer

It is either he only likes a several page or he is an advocacer of this page or person. 

3. The Reviewer
Type of sharers who writes his opinions on his shared link like whatever he says always needs a visual aid. We always skip your caption, by the way.

4. Selfish Sharer
That person shares things that we don't understand and will never understand. 

5. The ultimate sharer
He shares every-single fucking article on he sees on his newsfeed without the thought of sensitivity for people's eyes. Are we interested with that barking cow or that chic walking around with painted pants? I don't think so.

6. The Nostalgia Victim
If you are a bit irritated of the new feature of Facebook in where your memory resurfaces from years prior, this person uses the chance to spike a reconnection with people who forgot him. 

Sabado, Enero 16, 2016


If all of us were artists, we probably have slowed down climate change. These people knows no boundaries and exploits more of what they could use to create an artwork. They are very imaginative and resourceful although sometimes I wonder, does low-paid artists becomes more outrageous in their obra that they are more motivated to manipulate things that are unimaginable because they work with whatever's available?
Yesterday, My friend and former research mate brought me to Pico, La Trinidad as she was idolizing another (kailyan) cordilleran artist who preserved the heritage of our region. Jordan Mang-osan, though recently created a following, have a handful collection of his works decades ago. He was known in this latter day as the Solar Artist using Pyrography or the heat of the sun through a magnifying glass as his medium. His works are very amazing as this requires massive tolerance making such intricate patterns and details.
His 3-storey home studio and gallery as well houses collections of his works including from the roof top.
His works have similar themes. All of which are inspired from the old cordillera dating back to his childhood. We also noticed how established he already is as an artist internationally and in the region as we saw countless invites from foreign countries and recognition.
What is more impressive is how well he utilized our common house trashes and other industrial parts such as glass of a car, rubber wheels and even bicycle helmets!
Not only that, it is very tempting to visit his studio again because of his extensive collection of the versions of cameras.
As you go home, you will be charged of motivation to rummage through your bodega in search of broken pieces to transform into an artwork.
Like Roofless Studio page on Facebook. If you are interested to view the studio, message Mr. Jordan Mang-osan through his Facebook if what particular day can you visit because he usually have places to go.

Huwebes, Enero 7, 2016

9 style reference from films

Basing from Nina Garcia's Little Black Book of Style and using her template to continue and add stylish films that had got us drooling over their clothing choices and style.

Basic Instinct (1992)
Settings: San Francisco, 1992
Synopsis: Nick Curran (Michael Douglas) is investigating the brutal murder of a rockstar. The main suspect is the victim's girlfriend, Catherine Tramell (Sharon Stone), a wealthy and bisexual writer who definitely have a big sexual appetite.
Style: Chic american closet that made a comeback in 2016.
Watch for: The interrogation where Sharon Stone's V is on a cameo role.

"You know I don't like to wear any underwear,don't you,Nick?"

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
Settings: Rome,1963
Synopsis: During the height of the cold war, the CIA's most effective agent,Napoloen Solo (Henry Cavill), must collaborate with KGB's best agent, Illya Kuryakin (Armie Hammer) to stop an impending end-of-the-world crisis.
Style: This movie is styled to the vintage gloss of 1960's fashion highlights morphing it into a glamorous movie. The mod, the jelly accessories, the big sunglasses and the big cocktail rings.
Watch for: Victoria Vinciguerra; the most fabulous,classy and beautiful villain that has immortalized a Cruella de Vil-like of a villain.

Napoleon: You can't put a Paco Rubanne belt on a Patou
Illya: She's not wearing a Patou
Napoleon: What's wrong with a Patou?
Illya: Nothing, if you're fat. The Dior goes with the Rubanne.
Napoleon: It won't match.
Illya: It doesn't. Have. To Match.

The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
Settings: New York City, 2006
Synopsis: Andrea Sachs (Anne Hathaway), a fresh college graduate, lands a job as a co-assistant to the intimidating fashion magazine editor Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep). A genre of magazine that Andy Sachs loathe and thinks it is a less intelligent magazine.
Style: This movie have been said to be the most expensively costumed film in history because all the clothes and accessories used in the film came from actual designers.
Watch for: Meryl Streep's creamy shoulders.

"You don't deserve the dresses you will get, you eat carbs for chrissakes."

Twilight saga (2008-2012)
Settings: Washington, 2008
Synopsis: A clumsy teenage girl, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) falls in love to a sparkly vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson).
Style: Lumbersexual and androgynous chicset.This was the movie where girls started to shop at the Boys' section. Plaid shirts, Brown raincoats and peasant blouses.
Watch for: Bella's wedding dress and Alice's flowy tops.

"Don't do that. Smile like I'm your favorite person."

Coco Before Chanel, 2009
Settings: France, 1910
Synopsis: This is a biography of Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel (Audrey Tatou) before she became the magnate and icon in the fashion industry.
Style: Coco Chanel was known to be a modern woman who made clothes easier to wear for women. This film has laid down how Chanel made the 'borrowed-from-the-boys' style like making a dress from a jersey by cinching the waist.
Watch for: Chanel's collection from the last part of the film.

"Successful women do not fall in love."

Confession of a shopaholic,2008
Settings: New York,2009
Synopsis: Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) is a shopping addict who struggles to cut back and earn money to pay off her credit card debts.
Style: Obviously,this is a fashion film so you'll expect the whole runway of clothes flashing in the film. 
Watch for: The controversial green scarf that led to a web of lies.

"They said I was a valued customer, now they send me hate mail."

While we're young, 2014
Settings: New York, 2014
Synopsis: Middle aged couple Josh (Ben Stiller) and Cornelia Schrenbick (Naomi Watts) starts to hangout with two young couple and helps them with their documentary film.
Style: Hipster and Vintage. Somehow, the film showcased that style is subjective and not relatively timely. 
Watch for: The hats;fedoras, wide-brim and beanies. 

"He's not evil, he's just young."

Sleeping beauty,2011
Settings: Australia, 2011
Synopsis: Lucy (Emily Browning) is a college student who holds a number of odd jobs and gets  her already rough and complicated life more complicated when she finds a good paying job in an erotic freelance work.
Style: Soft and mute pastels. 
Watch for: Clara's bodycon dresses and pencil cuts skirts in dark,bold colors contrasting to Lucy's style colors.

"Rise up and walk, none of your bones are broken."

Hippie, Hippie Shake,2008
Settings: London, late 1960s
Synopsis: A memoir of Richard Neville (Cillian Murphy), a journalist and author who were put on trial for distributing an obscene issue of Oz as taking part of the counterculture of the 1960s
Style: Psychedelic and Revolutionary. The bell bottoms, psychedelic prints and long, long wavy hair.
Watch for: More and more hippie lifestyle, culture and outfits.

"Utterly unputdownable."