Huwebes, Nobyembre 12, 2015

Duterserye: A preemptive rescue from a presidential tragedy

Since 2012, the name Duterte, a gentleman from Davao, have gained a following known for his hands-on and authoritative style of leadership. His leadership may have been monickered as a figure of Martial Law, but he pulled Davao City as one of the safest city in the world amidst the animosity from Davao's mainland; Mindanao.


His iron-fist discipline drew ire from CHR and DOJ as he allows the roving of the Death Squad, allegedly. The mayor is unconventional and usually uncensored as his use of expletives shows how authentic he is as a person, which he sometimes don't mind saying 'I will kill you when you get to Davao' during a hearing in the senate.
As election season nearly approaches, Mayor Duterte is a popular choice among the presidentiables. However, fate doesn't end well for the Philippines as the all time favorite mayor of all declines a chance of seat for the presidency. Never had he been heard that he will run for president or had he have any ambition for it. He declined for countless of times. Unsure if it is part of  his campaigning tactic. You know, when you deprive of someone with something when it is so near they will crave for more than before? Still Filipinos keeps on tolerating him to run until the final closing of the filing COC's.
Well, that's us. What we want doesn't want us and we end up hating it.
As with the overwhelming fanaticism observed in the Philippines in general, we Filipinos comes to lengthy measures to dignify our beliefs and what we want. Personally, I'm fine with Duterte not clamoring for presidency. It would have been better if he did to give what they are asking for, but knowing the qualities of Filipinos as a collective would make me pity Duterte. Why? Kasi natural tayong walang-hiya.
We Filipinos are like Disney Princesses who are waiting for a prince to come and kiss our problems away. We look at Duterte as our Prince in shining gel-ed hair who is able to pull the Philippines from the dystopia we are living in and we expect that to happen in within 6 years. What is it that we want, Filipinos? We want to level with the 1st world countries. Our race love the word BIGLA.Biglang yaman, biglang gwapo, biglang payat.
Going back 6 years ago, President Aquino replaced the past administration who led us halfway to hell. We looked up at him because of his bloodline and because we think he is the answer to all our problems. We were fanatics of him because he had the angas enough to trample corrupt individuals in the country. His fight against corruption went smoothly as he pitted CGMA against her plunder issues and trailed CJ Corona over his unexplained wealth. As new and old crisis came up and he seemed to mishandle it thanks to his friends, we casted our own shits to him. President Aquino was to blame for everything even when your pinky toe hit the table leg. Everyone thinks he is the worst president because he didn't bring us to the utopia that we wanted. Fine, PNoy is somewhat unsympathetic. The more you anger him the more you will be angry because he is somewhat somber in contrast to her gregarious sister. The Aquino Administration have takes of good and bad that would take effect a few years later, let's give him that credit. More so, our cognitive bias played on us. We focused on what we want them to do instead of letting them do the what they can. Admittedly, we think our leaders have the absolute power that we don't ask or even think that they are careful that their move are constitutional or would the consequence of their actions backfire greatly on us. So, the short story is if they made a mistake, if we still are uncomfortable about our society we keep on blaming our leader. Remember, he is a breathing mortal like you and me. Vulnerable and unable to keep our country stable at the tips of his fingers all at once.
If Duterte won as a president, the same story will happen. Fine,we want discipline in our country. The criminals and corrupt politicians' mishap excites us. Try to think, are we ready to be affected by his leadership. What if your brother is a murderer and was subjected to such punishment or death? What if you were jailed or fined because of jaywalking? If he handles our society according to the measures that he knew but might displease us, would we be ready how it would affect us? If we don't want it, a hundred percent certainty, that we will come out from our houses and starts shouting 'resign','impeachment','corrupt' and many more monickers our creative mind will produce.
We will create a President Marcos Jr. out of him. Not that he will turn to be a dictator of sorts but we will have the world perceive him as such.
Duterte's supporter's fanaticism started to create an expectation that is very fragile. Once cracked, it will be shattered the next day. Then whatever or however would he patch the shattered glass together, our perception on his service will still be cracked
That is how dirty our minds are. We have to keep in mind that presidency is a one-man system. A system represented by one but has a machine working under him (who are also human beings that are able to do evil or good despite the morality of the leader). He isn't alone in the government. The change that we want will take a decade more to take effect. We, as a nation, should be the one who would make it possible and not only the leaders.

Martes, Nobyembre 10, 2015

20 something checklist

Are you in your 20s? What would you like to do to consume your decade of being 20 and plus? People, usually (especially your relatives) would expect you to settle down immediately or establish a million-peso career. Either way, always remembers the good ‘ol adage to not rush things. As Lola Nidora would say, Lahat may tamang panahon. I just turned 21; a year of being an orphan transitioned me from that financially careless and dependent child to a still adjusting-to-independency adult. The emerging adult, I would say. Being in 20, graduating from your tertiary education or not, transitions you to the real life that will have you handle every garbage thrown at you and still expected to be positive about it. You and I, as we embark together to the gravy area of Tax-paying adulthood and Quarter life crisis, let’s discover how we should spend our 20s decade in a responsibly, yet life-fulfilling achievements.

1. Don’t get settled yet in your early 20s
Ah, Marriage, the final season of being an essential person. While it is true, as a woman, that you might endanger your baby if you start a family late but this isn’t occasionally. My mother had me when she was 39, the only deficiency I had was my eyesight and uncivilized social cues. In psychology of love, the ideal age to consider marriage is starting from 25. First, the prefrontal area (yung noo mo) of your brain, which is responsible for the decision-making, develops completely at 21. At 21, you have already weeded out your way to know yourself. At this age forward, you have an idea what kind of a spouse or a parent you are. Also, ask the big question, “Are you ready for lifetime responsibilities?”
2. Grab a decent job even if you hate it
The problem with teenagers is they think living is a robotic process in this pattern; COLLEGE>JOB>FAMILY. Grab a job and eat your pride. If you are a Jollibee crew getting the order of your former classmate in suit, don’t be terrifyingly ashamed. He is struggling to with his employer and co-workers, too. The process of being a successful person is crawling through the dirt before you roll over your Ferrari wheels on it. Having odd jobs gives you again the process of finding for yourself and mapping out your career. When you are at your 20s, things get a little shaky because nothing is permanent. If you start loving your job, you’ll lose your job tomorrow.

3. Invest your money to stocks or mutual funds

This may sound ironic when it comes to not rushing things or making things in your 20s a big deal, but still, not only are you investing for your life fulfilment but for the future of your family and self, too. Young Professionals tend to make mistakes on their financial activities. Financial freedom, off course, is ecstatic. You get to buy the things you think you were deprived of when you were still a poor student. Think again. Those material ambitions would only contribute to bad consumerism and pollute our dear mother earth. Invest. You aren’t too young to think about the future or retirement. Although, Investmen t is a long-term financial goal, it would likely back you up forever. While you are still young and healthy, take a portion of your salary and grow your money. Starve a little bit or scrimp. I’m telling you, you don’t need that flashy phone that promises everything you desire because next year another product will come up promising the same thing. What’s wrong with being poor while young when you are able to be financially free as you grow old? If you are interested in investing, you should start to educate yourself first. Ask you r banks or better yet consult to Bo Sanchez. Invest in companies tha t you have known long before you were born and companies that you are certain that won’t go bankrupt. Malls will never go bankrupt, so is Jollibee.

4. Spoil your nephews,niblings and godchildren
Because nothing beats being single and childless when you are still childlike to the kids of your sibs and friends. Be that tita who always comes to the kids with sweets that would certainly have their parents raise their brow at you. That tita who will remind that pre-teen of a scarf or jacket or  put pants on when she is wearing a very short skirt or pekpek shorts. Be that tito who they will play video games with. That tito who is willing to drive them around on weekends. Youngsters do power up the youth in you. In turn, these kids will help you babysit your future children and will smuggle alcohol and smokes on your nursing home.

5. Travel

Never miss end the year without travelling. Also, travel cheap and tight on budget. Cheap ways of travelling provides more excitement and discovers exoticism on your experience. Just pack your bags and go.

6. Sleep around

What I meant was dating people who may be wrong for you, uncertain of. As reiterated, 20s is the decade of self-discovery. In 20s, you start to experiment with your life and with your relationships. Date with someone who is out of your league, someone you used not to like or just plain someone. When you start a relationship, it is unnecessary for you to think about marriage and family immediately. Usually, that would always be the case, catching you in a reverie of what ifs. The point is, if you are tired of being single, get married. Nothing is certain in life.

7. Be an activist…
No, you don’t need to go to the streets and flash your bloody signs. There would be occasions that you might need to but I have distaste for rallies. They cause traffic and slow down the productivity of those affected. Tell me, what do you stand for? What is your socio-political awareness? Gender equality, LGBT rights, Indigenous People, Climate Justice, Corruption and Hipsters (Kidding). Wouldn’t you be proud to tell your children and grandchildren, that once in your life you did stand up for something during your youth and didn’t just stand up walking around the dance floor with a bottle on your hand? Being an activist does not mean rallying or immersing into anarchy entirely. Activists are now euphemized as advocates. Do the change you want in your own hands and influence a few to join your cause. Do your part as well, yes, with your hands and real work.
Remember, always know from your heart what you are fighting not because someone urged you to or someone paid you.
8. Treat your parents
Whether it is a dinner, vacation or treats them on their anniversary, it doesn’t matter. For parents, it would always the thought that would count. 20s, I believe is a good time to pamper them even if they are still young and able. When you have a family, you wouldn’t know for sure if you can still take care of them. You wouldn’t know if they can last after your 20s. This may sound mean, but it is true.  I lost my parents before I hit 20, while they were ill, I took care of them but they will not live to see the juices of their sacrifices.

9. Trim down your friend lists.
When you grow old, your barkada dwindles. Sometimes, those who would be with you are the same people with the same mind-set that you have. Accept that people come and go, especially those people that are way past your evolution.

10.         Spend time with friends
Those who are single are most likely to spend time with you. The thing when you in your 20s are like having a despidida with your childish ways. No matter how godly you are, pay them a visit. Message them and post those embarrassing throwback college pictures.
11.         Move.
Climb a mountain. Join a triathlon. Use that gym certificates. Use that bike lanes. You know what they say when you reach your 30s, something magical happens to your metabolism. Stay fit and healthy.

12.         Don’t stop making goals.
So you have your dream job. So what, is that the end of it? No! Get your blank papers and start mapping your goals. What do you want to achieve on your 30s, 40s or even 80s? As long as you are breathing, you don’t stop planning life. Not only yours but for the benefits of others as well.

13.         Quit that abusive job of yours
If your boss and co-workers are kupal as what Stanley Chi says, why keep your job? Experts on Industrial-Organizational Psychology suggest that employees don’t quit their job because they don’t want the job. Most of the time, it’s the social environment that keeps their productivity on lag. Oh, you need your job? Then endure the tumultuous stay and keep your headphones on.

14.         Resolve your childhood issues
Don’t pass them on to your children later on. Parents sometimes fail and give their children a hard time is because of the parents’ hang ups in life before that had children. Ultimately, these hang-ups do not only become yours but your children’s as well. We don’t want that, you don’t want that. Deal with your fears and confront your battling issues to rid your baggage.

15.         Immerse into agricultural livelihood
I’ve been into farming since childhood. Now, I’ve been managing our small farm in Alicia, Isabela and have witnessed youngsters eager to study and leave the province to experience poverty in the metro. Agriculture is the backbone of the country’s economy. The problem with youngsters is that they are seduced with the fast life. Nowadays, in my generation, the appreciation for greenery and rural life is much more appreciated. Another sad truth is, our food producers are the mass belonging to the percent of poverty. Farmers and fishermen do the back-aching work from dusk to dawn and are paid with short-changed coins. Who earns more? This multi-billion food companies who loves to import. If you are a city resident, you don’t have to own a parcel of land, you can do it at your backyard or on your veranda. Have you heard bottled plants? They’re efficient, cheap and eco-friendly. Plant the vegetables that you will always need.

16.         Start putting up a personal collection
Anything but people off course. Animals? Hmmm. As long as you are responsible enough to tend to their needs and off course, bigger cages. Pick something that means a lot to you and you’ll kill for it. Vintage pictures, pop bottles, jam jars or even old earphones. Don’t worry, antiques become pricier in centuries soon.

17.         Nourish your passion
A battle of passion versus practicality will always ensue but why not do both? If you can hack it, make money while doing your passion. You can earn money from your passion as a part-timer if you want to but are still glued on your stress-nourishing job.

18.         Live in cheap
Live in cheap but don’t thrift yourself. People in their 20s tend to be careless financially and would later sunk themselves in debt. Save yourself from embarrassment by setting your mind that you don’t have to race with people your age by having luxuries that you don’t really like. Or even if you have, save for it and spend for it in a long interval of time. Discover more things to enjoy life without harassing your bank account. Avoid debts.

19.         Learn and master a recipe
Learn to cook your food. Hotdogs, eggs and noodles are not included. Learn how to cook to save your life if you get stuck in a mountain resided by NPAs. Perfect one recipe that you love so when you are invited to a potluck party, there will be something that you will proudly bring and not just a take-out order from Good Taste.

20.         Take a big risk that will change you
You’ve been there and done that. Made it in and made it out. What have you got to lose, enduring adjustments? It’s a small thing compared to what will change you. When you are in your 20s, you have to establish a concrete decision for yourself. These changes are simply not like editing your wardrobe. These changes are bigger than your life. People migrate to work abroad. Will you take the leap, leave your family and deal with culture faux pas? Do it. Do you have political plans and have the strong will to ripple the change you dream for your nation? Do it. You realized you are not for the life in a city and you would rather live in the mountains and learn their trade instead. Go. Establishing your career and is aware that it might consume you. If you dare, sign up for it. Are you ready to face the altar with your significant other, dealing with petty fights because of budgets, beating the traffic from work to your child’s PTA meeting? Make it. Transition your life to be better; your sacrifices will be paid in a bigger package. 

I am a 21 year old, college student who is giving advice to older fellas in 20s, I give this advice to myself.